
Classes are two hours long. We cover safety and technique in our cozy club house, then move out to the range where you can hone your new skills under the watch of our trained instructors. Finish the class with some fun with balloons!

Sign up early because classes fill up fast!

We supply equipment for the class. You may bring your own bow, but we reserve the right to inspect your bow for safety and appropriateness. We may ask that you use our equipment in any case.

Classes are for all ages. Youth (up to and including 13 years) must have an adult guardian present during the class. In any case, we all meet at the clubhouse. Wear clothes appropriate for the weather, outdoors. To get here, park in the parking garage that we share with the Chabot Space and Science Center, and exit the parking structure opposite the science center. The clubhouse is visible from the parking garage.

These classes are available through The East Bay Regional Park District. Click on the link below to go to the EBRP search page for archery classes: EBRPD Archery

2022 Class Dates (10am) are available.